August 18, 2008

Ah... Paris.

The sky looks bigger. The streets are livelier. The lights seem brighter. Dead leaves look happy to be dead. Even stepping on dog treat sounds poetic. Anyway, here's a glimpse on what I've been doing the last 48 hours.


Anonymous said...

everything is more alive there :D


Anonymous said...

farmers market lng yan. hahahah ;p vail, ung picture mo sa eiffel ha! dnt 4get serendipity :) hahahahah.

Anonymous said...

danny boy! vous prenez des photos de chaud hommes! et vous postez ici a ton blog! j'attend! upload rapidement! hahahahahaha!

Monsieur Daniel said...

chaud hommes! dami itim dito. hot enough for you? XD speaking of chaud hommes, how's michelle doing? :)